Child Endangerment
We strictly prohibit any content or activities related to child sexual exploitation or child harm. Upon discovery of child sexual exploitation, we shall report such incidents to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and proceed in accordance with applicable regulations. While acknowledging that users may share nude images of their own children with benign intent, we generally remove such images due to potential misuse. This practice also serves to prevent unauthorized reproduction or misappropriation of such images.
The following content is strictly prohibited:
Child Sexual Exploitation
Content, activities, or interactions that threaten, depict, glorify, support, provide instructions for, declare intent to engage in, or acknowledge participation in the sexual exploitation of children (including actual minors, young children, or infants, or non-actual anthropomorphic depictions such as artistic renderings, artificial intelligence-generated content, fictional characters, or dolls), or share links thereto. This includes, but is not limited to:
Sexual Acts
Explicit sexual intercourse or oral sex, defined as oral or genital penetration or contact with another person's genitals or anus, with exposure of at least one party's genitals or anus
Implied sexual intercourse or oral sex, including imminent contact or unexposed scenarios
Stimulation of genitals or anus, including imminent acts or unexposed scenarios d. Any of the above involving animals
Sexual Elements Involving Children, including but not limited to:
Signs of sexual arousal
Focus on genitals or anus
Presence of sexually aroused adults
Presence of sex toys or objects used for sexual stimulation, gratification, or abuse
Sexualized attire
Staged settings (e.g., on beds) or professional photography (quality/focus/angles)
Open-mouth kissing
Stimulation of human nipples or squeezing of female breasts (excluding nursing contexts)
Display of sexual bodily fluids
Content involving children in fetishistic contexts
Content supporting, promoting, advocating, or encouraging pedophilic behavior, except when discussed in a health context from a neutral perspective
Content identifying or mocking alleged victims of child sexual exploitation through names or images
Sexual Solicitation
Solicitation of content or activities depicting or involving children, defined as:
Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
Real or non-real child nudity images
Real or non-real child sexualized images
Inappropriate Interactions with Children
Content that constitutes or facilitates inappropriate interactions with children, such as:
Arranging or planning real-world sexual encounters with children
Intentionally exposing children to sexually explicit language or content
Engaging in sexually suggestive conversations with children via private messaging
Obtaining or soliciting sexual content from children via private messaging
Private Image Exploitation and Sexual Extortion
Content attempting to exploit real children through:
Threats to expose real/non-real private images or information to coerce money, favors, or private images
Sharing, threatening, or expressing clear intent to distribute private sexual conversations or real/non-real private images
Sexualization of Children
Content depicting the sexualization of real or non-real children (including photographs, videos, physical artwork, digital content, and verbal descriptions)
Groups, pages, and profiles targeting the sexualization of real or non-real children
Child Nudity
Content depicting real or non-real child nudity, defined as:
Close-ups of real or non-real child genitalia
Real or non-real young child nudity featuring: a. Exposed genitalia (including through transparent clothing or partially visible) b. Exposed anus and/or full nude buttocks close-ups
Real or non-real minor nudity featuring: a. Exposed genitalia (including genitalia covered only by pubic hair or transparent clothing) b. Exposed anus and/or full nude buttocks close-ups c. Uncovered female nipples d. Full torso nudity from neck to knees, regardless of whether genitalia or female nipples are visible
Exception: Non-real images depicting child nudity in real artwork for health purposes or in non-sexual contexts
Non-Sexual Child Abuse
Photos or videos depicting real or non-real non-sexual child abuse, regardless of sharing intent; excluding images from real artwork, cartoons, videos, or video games
Content that praises, supports, promotes, advocates, provides instructions for, or encourages participation in non-sexual child abuse